i-Hub is the operator of the first centralised KYC repository for Ongoing Due Diligence in Europe. I-Hub facilitates the updates and reviews of KYC files for professionals subject to AML laws through its innovative KYC Partner solution. Putting technology, compliance and human expertise at the heart of its business, i-Hub has launched its operations in December 2019 after having developed its system according to the need of its Clients. i-Hub operates as a regulated financial services professional under a ‘Support PFS’ licence granted by Luxembourg’s Ministry of Finance and is a subsidiary of POST Luxembourg and BGL BNP Paribas.
We have developed our pioneer KYC Partner solution from scratch with the expertise of a team of local and near-shore professionals using the highest standards in terms of Design, Architecture, Security, Compliance, AML and Business Processes. We have created a unique solution to matches the outsourcing and mutualisation requirements for KYC Due Diligence reviews requested by the Luxembourg Financial Center institutions.
Offering an alternative to in-house KYC/CDD management through an outsourcing service managed solution that accelerates compliance to regulatory obligations and KYC/CDD process digitalization